The Best Thing My Husband Has Ever Said to Me

I say a lot of words in our marriage. I operate under the assumption that if I have a thought, there is only one place for it to go: out. The amount of words I say to my husband in a week couldn’t possibly be calculated. Things like, “my knee is itching weird.” or Pressing…

Everything All At Once

I fell apart making lunches last night. Drizzling honey over plain greek yogurt (because we all know it tastes like spoiled sour cream without it), I lost it. The tears started to fall and the anxiety welled and the world went a little fuzzy. My husband comforted me, as he does. He was gentle, as…

The Anxiety Train

Not only do I usually ride the “It definitely will not be okay” train, but I often conduct it. There are special stops on the way: The Town of Worst Case Scenarios, Obsession Land, Self Doubt Central, The Village of What Ifs (it is SO easy to get lost there!) and my personal favorite, Replay…

Things I’ve Tried Lately that I’ve Heard People Talking About

I’ve tried a few new things lately and I would like to share with you my thoughts and opinions about each of them. Let’s get to it. Cauliflower Rice Everyone has been talking about Cauliflower Rice. I tried this out of curiosity because I’ve been trying to mix things up in the kitchen, but I…

Staying in the Word this Summer

Somehow the more time I have on my hands, the less I am in the Bible. A huge part of this due to being out of my routine. Like a toddler on a tight sleep and nap schedule, when things change or my routine is interrupted, I find myself in all kinds of  panic when…

My Year in Cooking

I don’t like to cook, but I love to feed my husband. This first year of marriage has brought with it many culinary adventures. Like the time I accidentally put Beef Stew Seasoning on my “taco” meat and sobbed in despair over my ruined tacos. Max is pushing for a reality show starring me called…

A Candy Dish Family

I was the childhood friend that respected no boundaries when it came to eating the other family’s food. When I showed up at the door, it was game time. I knew the pantries of my closest friends like the back  of my hand. I could close my eyes and navigate each shelf: the sweets and…

Rules for Insomnia

I’ve been having a hard time falling asleep lately. One would think that with as fast as my brain moves during the day, by bedtime all operations would shut down. Unfortunately for both me and my husband, this is not the case. Somehow, the transmitters in my brain actually come most alive as I lay…

My Struggle with Sharing the Gospel: Part 1

As a kid, I took my job of sharing my faith very seriously, and with the finesse and tact of a bull in a China shop. In third grade, I told my very best friend at the time that if she didn’t read her Bible, she was going to hell. I’m sure there was a…